Ive used this app for about a month now and I can say I like it for the most part. Having tried some other clients like Twitterrific, Hootsuite, and Twitters own app, its evident that Tweetbot is the best out of them all. At the time this review was written, Ive only used it on my iPhone 6s so I cannot say how the app is on iPads or older devices.
What this app delivers:
-fast and responsive interface for the most part (Im using this on an iPhone 6s, and Ive only rarely seen some stutters after prolonged usage
-full featured 3D Touch integration
-built-in translation, I believe its powered by google translate and now the hilariously bad Bing one used by twitters own client
-no IAP
-no ads whatsoever on my TL!!!
-smart topics feature, great for chaining together a bunch of tweets that are under the same idea
-quick swipe actions on tweets
-drafts saving
-the most advanced muting technology since TweetDeck
-tweet client identifier (so u can see when ur friend is lying when he tweets getting turnt up in the club and it says the tweet was sent from Twitter Web Client hahaha)
-adaptive dark mode. Hallelujah! It can change the UI from light to dark depending on screen brightness
-tweet streaming on wifi
What this app doesnt have/known issues:
-group DMs
-insert images in DMs
-the GIF reaction stuff that twitters own app has
-annoying as hell Moments feature that doesnt even scroll smoothly on an iPhone 6s
-the ability to check the users that liked someone elses tweet, this is the most annoying thing to me since I can see who liked & RT my own tweets and when I try to check the stats on someone elses tweet it only shows who RTd, trying to see who liked takes u to Favstar???
-keyboard looks weird after u close drafts
So whats my final verdict? A definite BUY if u think the disadvantages/issues I mentioned arent that much of a big deal. Otherwise its WAIT FOR SALE.
Lexdexia about Tweetbot 5 for Twitter, v4.3.3