At $4.99 (introductory price) youre essentially getting the iPhone and iPad app, for me that is the sweet point and I purchased the app without hesitation. Im not that certain if Id do the same had it been $9.99.
Feature wise, the app retains the polished and clean interface that came with Tweetbot 3, with its signature tweet streaming feature and customizable bottom tabs. There are also some new features, notably the support for Safari view controller, the reason being the links from tweets can now be viewed native in Safari with ad-blocking functionalities if you have one installed, and the pages also load that much faster because of Safaris nitro JavaScript engine.
The new 3D Touch features are fantastic additions and the fact that the devs listened to users and implemented swipe to go back from the Safari View Controller is nice to see.
My only complaint (and a major one) is that the Watch app being offered is complete rubbish. Firstly, Im only able to see recent activities and not latest tweets; next, tapping on anything often freezes the app up and I cant do anything at all. The initial loading also takes a pretty long time (theres only a small amount of time that someone can wait with their wrists raised). Please fix this.
Update: tweets are sometimes not loading after I come back to the app, and had to force quit and restart for it to work again. What gives?
KingArthurVI about Tweetbot 5 for Twitter